Portable Emergency 4 Way LED Signal Light

Manufactured by IQTraffiControl.com
In Stock: Florida USA / Barcelona Spain / Milano Italy / New York USA / Nimes France / Germany / Switzerland / Global
Solar Portable Emergency Traffic 4 Way LED Signal Light, Traffic Road Junction Solution, Solar Traffic Lights 4 Ways Traffic Signal Control, Solar Powered Traffic Warning Light, 4 Way Traffic Signal control, Remote Control Portable Traffic Signal Lights, temporary four ways solar traffic light
Preprogrammed self-contained 4 ways Traffic Signal Control
- 4 signal directions.
- 4 pedestrian crossings.
- Fully automatic cycle mode.
- Preprogrammed self-contained signal.
- Solar Module
- Battery
- charge controller
Basic System includes
- Housing available in yellow, black and green (standard Black).
- Led Lamps IQLED, Long Life LEDs last for 100,000 Hours
- Meets ITE Chromatic and Visibility Requirements
- Long life, virtually no maintenance.
- Solar Panel.
- Structure for solar panel.
- Pole Top mount.
- Adjustable 0-90 horizontal and 360 about pole.
- Charge controller.
- Batteries: Long-Life - Deep-Cycle - Maintenance-Free.
Ships prewire.
Packaging information: Brown Box (Individual Packing for each part).Features:
- Low-Cost Installation.
- Easily and Quickly Deployed in Any Location.
- The Flexible design enables any configuration of bi-directional or dual flasher system solution.
- LED Beacons - Long-Life with Extremely Low Power Consumption.
- Virtually Maintenance-Free Design!.
- Vandal and Theft Resistant Components and Hardware.
- 25-Year Warranty on Solar Modules.
- 3 days worth of Backup energy for cloudy days.
** Meets all requirements for design, illumination, and color of signal sections required by 2009 MUTCD, Chapter 4L, Flashing Beacons (MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).
- Your next scheduled maintenance will be in 5 to 7 years!
- Promotes speed compliance.
- Proven technology.
- Vandal and theft-resistant components and hardware.
- Low installation cost.
- Easily and quickly deployed in almost any location.
- NO run Wiring from grid!
- NO cuts through existing roads, sidewalks or landscaping.
- NO Maintenance.
- NO Utility bill.
- Maintenance Free Batteries!
- Big Credits and Savings form State and Federal Taxes.
- Pays for itself in the form of reduced installation, maintenance and servicing costs.
- Reliable operation 365 days per year at nearly any location.
4 Way Solar Traffic Signal Control Portable Other Designs Available upon Request:

Solar Portable Supply Trailer Mounted
Solar Traffic Signal Light Portable
Self Contained Solar Powered 24 Hour Flashing Beacon
Solar powered 24-hour Flashing Beacon Self-contained. The system contain all electronics, batteries, controller & solar panel. No additional cabinet is required. The flashing beacon 8 inches (200mm) diameter LED module yellow or red lens, and mount with a standard bracket.
Easy installs onto existing sign hardware with just a simple tools wrench and a screwdriver increases fast and easy sign visibility
Solar Traffic Signal Light Portable
4 Way Solar Traffic Signal Control - Remote Control Portable Traffic Signal Lights - Temporary Four Ways solar Traffic Light Solar Portable Supply Trailer Mounted.

WIND LOADING CAPABILITY Map: Standard mounts are designed to withstand 30 lbs. / ft. 2 (approximately 90 mph or 145km/hr.). Designs capable of withstanding greater loads are available upon request. Wind Load: Withstand 150 MPH winds Certified to meet or exceed ASCE-7-05 specifications for 150 MPH, Exposure D extreme wind event!
Required an optimally oriented solar panel at the installation site.
Test Conditions: of 1.5 air mass spectrum; 20 degrees C ambient air temp; 1 sun (1000 watts per square meter at POA irradiance); 1 meter per second wind speed at 10 meters above grade)
Solar Powered LED Lighting System Designed for Zone 4.
Designed for Zone 4Zone Type: To determine the Zone that you are in Contact us for Information on World Daily Solar Radiation Zones .

To determine the Zone that you are in Click on Image
OkSolar Solar Engine Unit with True Plug and Play System

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